CP's AUTOPILOT user guide (v.7.2)

Copyright (c) Targacept, Inc.

Targacept, Inc., 
200 East First Street, 
Suite 300, 
Winston-Salem, NC, USA 27101 

This file describes the Autopilot Feature Suite as introduced and used by Targacept, Inc. This documentation accompanies free software; The software is subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the GNU General Public License at www.gnu.or/copyleft/gpl.txt for more details.

This documentation, like the software it accompanies, is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Autopilot Documentation

The Autopilot Feature Suite is a user level enhancement for directing Car-Parrinello simulations based on CP.X packaged in ESPRESSO.

The following features are incorporated:

Auto Restart Mode

Auto Restart Mode is an extension of restart_mode declared in the CONTROL section of the input file. When restart mode is set to “auto”, control determines if the current run is “from_scratch” or a valid “restart” based on the presence of a restart file associated with unit NDR. When NDR, the unit number for input, and NDW, the unit number for output, are the same, a simulation that is system terminated can be restarted without significant loss, providing that ISAVE, the parameter that indicates the frequency at which intermediate data are saved, is not large.

Auto Restart Mode implements an effective “upto” mode and is also designed for use on remote machines where simulations may frequently be terminated and restarted. Auto Restart Mode is especially useful in connection with Autopilot’s Dynamic Rules capability. When they are used together, only one segment of a simulation is necessary, thereby reducing run_script volume and errors, and placing more control with the user.

restart_mode   CHARACTER ( default = 'restart' )
       from_scratch = from scratch.  NEB only: the starting path is 
                         obtained with a linear interpolation between 
                         the images specified in the ATOMIC_POSITIONS 
                         card.  Note that in the linear interpolation,
                         periodic boundary conditions ARE NOT USED.
       restart  = continue a previous simulation and perform  
                         "nstep" new steps.
       reset_counters  = continue a previous simulation, perform  
                         "nstep" new steps, resetting the counter 
                         and averages.
       auto = automatically detect "from_scratch" or "restart"; 
                         continue any previous simulation, and stop 
                         when the counter value is equal to "nstep".

Autopilot Course Configuration (Dynamic Rules)

Autopilot Course Configuration (Dynamic Rules) is a method that allows select input parameters (Autopilot variables) to change during the course of a simulation. This method allows the user to create a more concise set of instructions that are easier to read and maintain and enables a more continuous execution on remote resources.

Typically and historically, a user issues a run_script that creates a sequence of input files, each with fixed parameter values. This run_script then calls cp.x against each input file in the sequence, such that, after the first, each execution continues with the next input file as well as restart information from the previous execution.

The Autopilot Course Configuration effectively consolidates multiple input files into one, allowing the user to specify at what time step a parameter should change along with its new value. Thus a run_script becomes much shorter, and the user can easily see the projected path of the simulation.

The Autopilot Course Configuration feature is implemented by adding a new card type to the “CARDS” section of the input file. The Autopilot card must be placed after the “NAMELIST” section but otherwise may appear before or after any other card. A favorable place is as the first card.

Sytnax is as follows:



  optional card :  read dynamic rules to set parameters on an absolute
                   timestep (iteration) from either standard input or mailbox 

  ON_STEP = ith_event_STEP : varname = value  
  ON_STEP = jth_event_STEP : varname = value  
  ON_STEP = jth_event_STEP : varname = value  

  ON_STEP = nth_event_STEP : varname = value  


The event specification (ON_STEP) should precede the variable assignment. The colon separator between the event assignment and the variable assignment is required, as are the equal signs. No semi-colon or comma should appear after the variable assignment. There can be multiple rules per event but only one variable assignment per rule (and only one rule per line). Within one event, there should be only one assignment per variable. If multiple assignments are made for the same variable for the same event, only the last assignment will be accepted. Rules for which event specifications are not in numerical order will be ignored. If syntax errors are present in the AUTOPILOT card during start-up, the execution will stop.

Example Syntax:

    ON_STEP = 200 : tempw = 500.0
    ON_STEP = 200 : dt = 3.0
    ON_STEP = 250 : ISAVE = 50

Currently there is a maximum of 32 supported events and 10 supported Autopilot variables. Events that are out of timestep order are ignored. A user may establish up to 10 rules (one for each Autopilot variable) per event. Currently implemented Autopilot variables are: isave, iprint, dt, emass, electron_dynamics, electron_damping, ion_dynamics, ion_damping, ion_temperature, and tempw. If desired, users may implement other Autopilot variables. See Appendix below for an explanation of “Adding an Autopilot Variable”.

IMPORTANT: Variables should have values in accordance with their TYPE, or a runtime error may occur.

Autopilot Course Correction (Steering)

Autopilot Course Correction (Steering) provides a run-time method of changing Autopilot variables on the fly, after the simulation is underway. Autopilot Course Correction (Steering) can be applied through any of the following sub-features: New Course (power steering), Manual Steering, and Pause.

Steering utilizes a new mailbox file: pilot.mb. This file can be created via the user’s favorite text editor and can be “mailed” by placing the file in the “results” directory. The user can also very quickly implement a single course correction command with UNIX redirect to the pilot.mb file.

When a pilot.mb mailbox file is detected, the current event table is cleared to prepare for the new course. The mailbox file is then parsed, and Autopilot processes the command(s) before deleting the mailbox file. If Autopilot cannot parse a command, it issues a warning and goes into PAUSE mode (see below).

The Steering subfeatures, including pilot.mb syntax are described here:

Example format for a quick mailbox change using a single rule is as follows:

                                      -defaults to PILOT
 NOW + 250: TEMPW=450.0               -single line with NOW 
  1. Pause is a steering sub-feature that allows the user to suspend the simulation until the user can decide on a future course. Pause is very helpful when the user knows that a change should be imposed but needs time to establish rules and create an appropriate mailbox. Steering then resumes as AUTOPILOT or PILOT upon receiving another pilot.mb mailbox. The syntax is a single line with one of the following:


All of the above perform the same PAUSE mechanism. The user can issue the command quickly through UNIX redirect:

echo “PAUSE” > results/pilot.mb

Any mailbox not correctly identified with a AUTOPILOT, PILOT, NOW, or a PAUSE command, will result in a warning to standard output (STDOUT), and the simulation will pause.

List of autopilot variables

The Autopilot module supports the following input variables:

How to add support for a new autopilot variable

See autopilot.f90 for examples.

WARNING: Some Autopilot variables may create “side-effects”. For example, the inclusion of a rule for TEMPW rules invokes a side-effect call to ions_nose_init.
The user is cautioned to be aware of possible side-effects when adding other Autopilot variables.